Coronavirus (COVID-19) Statement
We know many of you will be carrying out your own contingency planning in light of the developing Coronavirus pandemic and that this will be a worrying time for some. Cornwall Museums Partnership is supporting action to slow the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) and as such, is following the latest advice and guidance from Public Health England and the NHS.
Our priority is the health and wellbeing of our staff, volunteers and the museum community. We have issued guidance to our team and, under the advice of Public Health England and the NHS, are advising anyone with a new persistent cough and/or high temperature, to stay at home and self-isolate for 14 days. We have also advised that anyone with these symptoms need not go to their GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital and they do not need to contact 111 to tell them they’re staying home. We have also advised the team that should their symptoms get worse, or do not clear up after 14-days, that they should continue to stay home and to contact the 111 Coronavirus service for further advice.
We currently have no plans to reschedule any upcoming events, however please keep an eye on our website for the latest information as we reassess the risk in response to changing advice. Wherever possible we will hold meetings remotely to avoid unnecessary contact. If you have a meeting booked with one of our team and would prefer to meet virtually via Zoom, Skype or Microsoft Teams we are very happy to do this. We would respectfully ask that people with a cold, cough or high temperature do not attend Cornwall Museums Partnership events or meetings. As a precaution we have added to our office and meeting room a cleaning schedule and will be providing hand santiser for all meeting room users.
The Cornwall Museums Partnership office remains open and we are committed to supporting the museums community. With the support of colleagues at What Next? we have compiled the following sources of advice which we hope museum colleagues will find useful:
Coronavirus – Good practice and information for museums
This document contains advice from and has been compiled by the What Next? network. It includes information about local sources of advice in Cornwall, and sector specific sources of information for museums. It is a live document and will be reviewed and updated on a regular basis.
Trusted sources of advice
- The Association of Museums has collated advice for museums
- The latest public health advice is available at:
In addition, more information on specific areas can be found here:
- Advice for patients is available on NHS Choices regarding symptoms
- Public Health England have published a Q&A about the virus on their blogpost Coronavirus: what you need to know
- Public Health Cornwall provide information and useful links –
- Cornwall Council have news/joint statement –
- Guidance for employers and businesses –
- FCO travel advice – for organisations touring –
- In the Spring Statement on the 11th March the Chancellor outlined a package of support for public services, individuals and businesses that may experience economic disruption at this time due to COVID-19. The guidance can be found here: 71900/Covid-19_Budget_fact_sheet_FINAL.pdf
- The DfE has set up a dedicated helpline for anyone working in education, from early-years through to universities:
- ACAS (the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service) has produced this workplace guidance for employees and employers There is also specific advice, guidance and legal support provided by Unions and sector support organisations.
- Bates Wells has produced this blog which includes useful employment operations advice.
- Unlimited has produced this excellent guide to best practice in access for staff with autoimmune conditions:
- Asia Art Activism: Un-racialising the coronavirus epidemic:
- From NCVO:
- Diabetes UK has provided an updated information page for people living with diabetes –
- Asthma UK has released a blog post with advice for people with asthma –
- The British Heart Foundation has published guidance for people with health problems
- The National Eczema Society has offered advice on handwashing techniques for people with eczema and other skin conditions
- SignHealth has created British Sign Language (BSL) videos to help deaf BSL users either working in charities or receiving support.
- Carers UK has produced recommendations for carers
- Housing Justice has issued specialised advice to homeless shelters. Glass Door is emphasising the importance of handwashing and has boosted their stock of hand gels kept in their vans that move between shelters. Pathway and Crisis have called on the government for guidance on how best to protect homeless people against coronavirus.
- Full Fact has generated a fact check page on covid-19 to help dispel any false information
- The Cystic Fibrosis Trust, Primary Immunodeficiency UK and the Mental Health Foundation have all issued advice and support