R.E.A.D Project selected for Phase 2 of the DOORS Digital Incubator
We are excited to have been selected for the second phase of the DOORS Digital Incubator for Museums programme. This will allow us to further develop our initial prototype of the R.E.A.D system (Responsive E-Paper Adaptive Displays) into a MVP as well as explore audience engagement. Like phase one, that we took part in last year, the programme includes working with 20 other museums across Europe in workshops and presentations from leaders in heritage technology.
With our partners in St Ives Museum, we are working to create a low cost, low power but high-tech alternative to traditional museum labels that are often a barrier to accessing a museum experience fully. By combining contactless NFC tags with EPaper displays (like those found in e-readers like Amazon’s kindle) we aim to create a system that will change the text of the “label” depending on the visitor’s need- whether this is larger text, a different language or something else. During phase one, we were overwhelmed by the possibilities such a system could achieve and we are extremely grateful to be able to continue with this work.
Many thanks to the team at Ars Electronica and ECSite who are running this project. We are really looking forward to taking part!
St Ives Museum and Cornwall Museums Partnership is part of the DOORS – Digital Incubator of Museums network. DOORS has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101036071.