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Cornwall Museums Partnership

Tresorys Kernow Funding Criteria


Tresorys Kernow (Cornish Treasures) is a pilot project to test new ways to commission and deliver sustainable cultural activity in town centres. We want to show that town centres can be reinvigorated through an imaginative and locally relevant programme of cultural events.

Tresorys Kernow is also about exploring how communities can and should adapt to the very real challenges of climate change and respond to the benefits that nature provides.

Tresorys Kernow is working with ten volunteer “pollinators”, one based in each of the ten locations where Tresorys Kernow events are taking place:  Pollinator Details


Launceston Artist Residency

Community Matters cmp header image

Studios on the High Street is a programme of residencies for artists and other creative practitioners that will be happening in two empty shops and a pub/hotel in Launceston for up to ten weeks, starting in mid-May 2022.

It is open to anyone with an established (at least two years) creative practice and can include individual creative practitioners or groups of creative practitioners.

Read the full brief here: Tresorys Kernow Launceston Artist Residency Brief


Screen Cornwall

Screen Cornwall is working with Creative Kernow and Cornwall Museums Partnership on Tresorys Kernow, and are pleased to offer these opportunities for industry involvement in Tresorys Kernow through our documentary skills and immersive dome strands.

We want to engage young people in a skills development activity with a real outcome that will connect with audiences in order to build their confidence and CV, signposting potential follow-on career pathways and support available.

We also want to tell an immersive story about Cornwall’s climate adaptation in both a physical and online space to engage people in thinking about their relationship with the environment we treasure so dearly here and the actions they can take to make a difference. This piece of content could go on to be entered to relevant film festivals and have a longer life connecting with audiences beyond the life of the TK project.

Follow the links below to find out more and if you have any questions, please contact Laura Giles

TK documentary skills brief

TK immersive dome brief



Our Funders